The Dependables

In the quiet hours of the morning, when the world is just a whisper, there exists an army of extraordinary leaders.

Their impact resonates through every community, every organization, every team they touch. In the darkness of a new day, these leaders feed the babies, walk the dogs, make the coffee, and make their way to open the doors of businesses and job sites around the country.

Everybody knows at least one of them. Everyone depends on at least one of them, in fact, all of us depend on all of them.

These leaders don’t grace the covers of magazines, yet they are the true architects of our day-to-day lives.

They live completely out of the limelight, yet they are the ones who fuel the heartbeat of our communities. They are the early risers, the silent guardians, the careful planners who cover their sleeping cities with hope and determination each day.

They are the ‘Dependables’.

These leaders are the ones who bear the load without complaint, who are steadfast in their commitment, who see potential in every challenge. They are the people who build, who teach, who protect, who guide—unflinchingly, without the need for fanfare.

At Threshold we understand that these leaders don’t just manage—they inspire, they connect, they uphold the very pillars that our communities stand upon. They embody the principles of leadership that are seldom celebrated but universally respected.

So here's to The Dependables, the people who build America. It's your relentless commitment that turns the everyday threshold into a doorway to new possibilities—for yourselves, and for every life you touch.

Are you one of The Dependables? Or do you know someone who is? Reach out and share your story. Let's shine a light on the work that often goes unseen but never unappreciated.


Tiny Hands


Introducing the Handshake Podcast