Make Your Values Visible


Values make the leader. Trust makes the team.

A handshake is a visible representation of the value of teamwork and creates belonging.

When leaders know their values and live them, it makes them real. Sharing your values with others opens you up to feedback and accountability when you fall short, which you will.

When I started Threshold, I took the name from the place I stood for nearly two decades in school buildings: the entrance to the classroom or the school building. It was a place to warmly welcome students into the building and confirm for parents that their kids are safe with us.

Whether you're shaking a hand, or simply telling someone I see you and I appreciate you, the handshake is universal in a classroom, board room, job site, or athletic field.

How do you show your values to others?

Shout out to Duran & Venables, Inc. John Hawkes, Jose Langorica, and Kurt Roessler


Introducing the Handshake Podcast